For our Summer Plant Sale, we will not be selling plants online. BUT, we will be selling plants on-site and in-person on May 10 and May 11! For May 10, we ask that you schedule a shopping time! Please reserve a half hour shopping window by clicking on this clock icon and adding it to your cart.
Please scroll to “plant selection time slot” and click on “add to your cart”. On the next page, click on “add to cart” , then go to “Checkout”. You will be able to schedule the time of your shopping window during checkout. Please note, at check-out, you will only be scheduling a time to shop on May 10, not purchasing any products online.
All remaining plants will be sold onsite with no scheduled shopping times on May 11 from 10am-4pm at the Youth Farm! Shop early for best selection! On Saturday, May 11, our talented musician friends will be sharing their music, as follows:
10-11:30 Village School Marimba Groups
11:45-1:15 Meadow Rue
1:30-3 Brothers in Law
Click here to see what will be available: Summer Plant Sale List You can also browse this site to see photos and descriptions of some of the varieties we will have available.
The Youth Farm is located at 705 Flamingo Ave., Springfield
Sign up below for notifications of future plant and produce sales.
Sign up to be notified about our produce stand, our CSA and next year’s plant sales.
Thank you for your support!
Plant Sale!

Tomato Starts at the Youth Farm Greenhouse.
Plant Pricing
- 3.5″ pot – $3.50
- 6 pack – $4.50
- Jumbo 6 Pack Strawberries — $5.00
- 1 Gallon Raspberries – $5.00
- 2 Liter Blueberries — $15.00
We accept SNAP/EBT for all edible plant starts (most flowers don’t qualify), and we match up to half! When you pick up your order at the Youth Farm, we will charge your order total on your SNAP card minus the match.
Youth Farm and GrassRoots Garden
All of the vegetable, flower, and herb starts in this sale were seeded and tended by staff, interns and volunteers at the FOOD for Lane County Youth Farm. Our farm is not certified organic, but we do use non-GMO seeds primarily donated by Territorial Seed Company. We create our soil mix using organically certified amendments and potting soils donated by Aurora Innovations and Down to Earth, Distributors.
The FOOD for Lane County Youth Farm is an educational urban farm located on 6 acres of prime agricultural soil in North Springfield. We grow 40 different vegetable crops that we sell to the general public through our Community Supported Agriculture program and an online produce stand, open June-October. The majority of our produce is distributed by FOOD for Lane County to our network of partner agencies that serve the needs of households who are food insecure.
GrassRoots Garden is a learning and growing space with an outdoor kitchen located on 2.5 acres on Coburg Rd in Eugene. Every year we work with thousands of community members who participate in growing food for FOOD for Lane County while learning how to garden and how to prepare fresh produce into tasty meals. OSU Lane County Extension Master Gardeners oversee demonstration gardens and teach the community about growing culinary herbs, creating pollinator friendly gardens, caring for fruit orchards and composting and vermicomposting. GrassRoots is also a popular field trip and service learning site for area schools.

Educational Opportunities
We offer educational opportunities including employment, leadership and work experience for low-income teens, season-long internships for adults, and workshops and volunteer opportunities for all ages. Your purchase of our plants supports our work and the mission of FOOD For Lane County to reduce hunger by engaging our community to create access to food.
Thank you to the following companies and individuals for their donations and support of this fundraiser! Down to Earth Distributors, Fall Creek Farm and Nursery, Brent Hefley, King Estate, International Paper, Territorial Seed Company, and Rexius!